University Medical Center (UMC) Mainz
Maria Felicia Basilicata Christian Behl Benedikt Berninger Luciana Berod Tobias Bopp Andreas Daiber Sven Danckwardt Carsten Deppermann Stephan Grabbe Thomas Hofmann Thomas Kindler Daniela Kramer Daniela Krause Dilja Krueger-Burg Michael Kühn Beat Lutz Johannes Mayer Wolfram Ruf Katrin Schäfer Susann Schweiger Natalia Soshnikova Tim Sparwasser Oliver Tüscher Sara Vieira-Silva Ari Waisman Philipp Wild Jennifer Winter Fatemeh Zare-ShahnehHaematopoiesis, leukaemia and the bone marrow microenvironment

The bone marrow microenvironment (BMM) plays a central role in many medical disciplines, as it generates all cellular constituents of our blood. Haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) and their malignant counterparts, leukaemic stem cells (LSC), are situated in this BMM, which consists of various cell types and is also influenced by several chemical factors.
Traditionally, treatment of the leukaemias has targeted the leukaemia cells themselves, but, as we have shown, pharmacological modification of the BMM can lead to eradication of LSC. Therefore, our laboratory focuses on inhibiting different pathways of communication between leukaemia cells and the bone marrow niche by the use of various leukaemia models and pharmacological agents. Our goal is to test drugs targeting the identified pathways in models and to, eventually, initiate clinical trials which will, hopefully, lead to prolongation of survival in leukaemia patients in the future. In addition, our laboratory focuses on strategies to enhance the function of normal HSC.
Positions held
- Since 2023: W3 professor for transfusion medicine and director of the Institute of Transfusion medicine – Transfusion Centre, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Centre Mainz
- 2015 - 2023: W2 professor for cell and gene therapy at the LOEWE Centre for Cell and Gene therapy (Department of Medicine of the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University) and part-time attending in transfusion and laboratory medicine
- 2014 - 2023: Research Group leader, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
- 2009 - 2014: Postdoctoral fellowship and Graduate Assistant in Pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, MA
- 2008 - 2009: Fellowship in Transfusion Medicine, Harvard University, Boston, MA
- 2005 - 2008: Residency and Chief Residency in Clinical Pathology, Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, MA
- 2000 - 2005: Postdoctoral fellowship, The CBR Institute for Biomedical Research, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
- 1999 - 2000: Internship and Residency, Dept. of Internal Medicine (Haematology/Oncology), Charité-Campus Virchow Klinikum Berlin, Humboldt University
- 1998: Doctoral thesis (Dr. med.), Medical Faculty of the University of the Saarland, Germany
- 1992 - 1998: Medical School, Free University Berlin
Selected publications by Daniela Krause
Krause DS, Fulzele K, Catic A, Sun CC, Dombkowski D, Hurley MP, Lezeau S, Attar E, Wu JY, Lin HY, Divieti-Pajevic P, Hasserjian RP, Schipani E, Van Etten RA, Scadden DT (2013) Differential regulation of myeloid leukemias by the bone marrow microenvironment. Nature Medicine, 19(11):1513-1517* *Faculty of 1000 Prime status Link
Verma D, Kumar R, Pereira RS, Karantanou C, Zanetti C, Minciacchi VR, Fulzele K, Kunst K, Hoelper S, Zia-ChahabiS, Jabagi M-J, Emmerich J,Dray-Spira R, Kuhlee F, Hackmann K, Schroeck E, Wenzel P, MüllerS, Filmann N, Fontenay M, Divieti-Pajevic P, KrauseDS (2019) Vitamin K-antagonism impairs the bone marrow microenvironment and hematopoiesis. Blood, 134(3):227-238 Link
Kumar R, Pereira R, Zanetti C, Minciacchi VR, Merten M, Meister M, Niemann J, Dietz MS, Rüssel N, Schnütgen F, Tamai M, Akahane K, Inukai T, Oellerich T, Kvasnicka HM, Pfeifer H, Nicolini FE, Heilemann M, Van Etten RA, Krause DS (2020) Specific, targetable interactions with the microenvironment influence imatinib-resistant chronic myeloid leukemia. Leukemia, 34(8):2087-2101 Link
Zanetti C, Kumar R, EnderJ, Godavarthy PS, Hartmann M, Hey J, Breuer K, Weissenberger ES, Minciacchi V, Karantanou C, Gu Z, Roberts KG, Metzler M, Stock W, Mullighan CG, Bloomfield CD, FilmannN, Bankov K, Hartmann S, Hasserjian RP, Cousins A, Halsey C, Plass C, Lipka DB, Krause DS (2021) The age of the bone marrow microenvironment influences B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia progression via CXCR5-CXCL3. Blood, 138(19):1870-1884 Link
Pereira RS, Kumar R, Cais A, Paulini L, Kahler A, Bravo J, Minciacchi VR, Krack T, Kowarz E, Zanetti C, Godavarthy PS, Hoeller F, Llavona P, Stark T, Tascher G, Nowak D, Meduri E, Huntly BJP,Münch C, Pampaloni F, Marschalek R, Krause DS (2023) Distinct and targetable role of calcium sensing receptor in leukaemia. Nat Commun, 14(1):6242 Link