Luke Lab

Research  Publications  Group Members  Biography 


Gameiro E*, Juárez-Núñez KA*, Fung JJ, Shankar S, Luke B* and Khmelinskii A* (2025) Genome-wide conditional degron libraries for functional genomics. J Cell Biol , e202409007  (*indicates joint contribution)  Link

Strom JM and Luck K (2025) Bias in, bias out - AlphaFold-Multimer and the structural complexity of protein interfaces. Curr Opin Struct Biol , 91:103002 Link


Siametis A*, Stratigi K*, Giamaki D, Chatzinikolaou G, Akalestou-Clocher A, Goulielmaki E, Luke B, Schumacher B and Garinis GA (2024) Transcription stress at telomeres leads to cytosolic DNA release and paracrine senescence. Nat Commun , 5:4061  (*indicates joint contribution)  Link


Nischwitz E*, Schoonenberg VAC*, Fradera-Sola A, Dejung M, Vydzhak O, Levin M, Luke B, Butter F# and Scheibe M# (2023) DNA damage repair proteins across the Tree of Life.  iScience , 26:106778 Link

Pires V, Lohner N, Wagner T, Wagner C, Wilkens M, Hajikazemi M, Paeschke K, Butter F and Luke B (2023) RNA-DNA hybrids prevent resection at dysfunctional telomeres. Cell Rep , 42:112077 Link

Schindler N*, Tonn M*, Kellner V, Fung JJ, Lockhart A, Vydzhak O, Juretschke T, Möckel S, Beli P, Khmelinskii A and Luke B (2023) Genetic requirements for repair of lesions caused by single genomic ribonucleotides in S phase. Nat Commun , 14:1227  (* indicates joint contribution)  Link


Guintini L*, Paillé A*, Graf M, Luke B, Wellinger RJ# and Conconi A# (2022) Transcription of ncRNAs promotes repair of UV induced DNA lesions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae subtelomeres. PLOS Genet , 18:e1010167  (*indicates joint contribution, #indicates joint correspondence)  Link

Kissling VM, Reginato G*, Bianco E*, Kasaciunaite K, Tilma J, Cereghetti G, Schindler N, Lee SS, Guérois R, Luke B, Seidel R, Cejka P# and Peter M# (2022) Mre11-Rad50 oligomerization promotes DNA double-strand break repair. Nat Commun , 13:2374  (*indicates joint contribution, #indicates joint correspondence)  Link

Li L, Wang J, Yang Z, Zhao Y, Jiang H, Jiang L, Hou W, Ye R, He Q, Kupiec M, Luke B, Cao Q, Qi Z, Li Z and Lou H (2022) Metabolic remodeling maintains a reducing environment for rapid activation of the yeast DNA replication checkpoint. EMBO J , 41:e108290 Link

Misino S, Busch A, Wagner C, Bento F and Luke B (2022) TERRA increases at short telomeres in yeast survivors and regulates survivor associated senescence (SAS). Nucleic Acids Res , 50:12829–12843 Link

Pérez-Martínez L, Wagner T and Luke B (2022) Telomere interacting proteins and TERRA regulation. Front Genet , 13:872636 Link

Spada S, Luke B and Danckwardt S (2022) The bidirectional link between RNA cleavage and polyadenylation and genome stability: recent insights from a systematic screen. Front Genet , 13:854907 Link

Wagner CB and Luke B (2022) DNA–RNA hybrids at telomeres in budding yeast. Methods Mol Biol , 2528:145-157 Link


Mosler T, Conte F, Longo GMC, Mikicic I, Kreim N, Möckel MM, Petrosino G, Flach J, Barau J, Luke B, Roukos V and Beli P (2021) R-loop proximity proteomics identifies a role of DDX41 in transcription-associated genomic instability. Nat Commun , 12:7314 Link

Wagner T, Pérez-Martínez L, Schellhaas R, Barrientos-Moreno M, Öztürk M, Prado F, Butter F and Luke B (2021) Chromatin modifiers and recombination factors promote a telomere fold-back structure, that is lost during replicative senescence. PLOS Genet , 16:e1008603 Link


Niehrs C* and Luke B* (2020) Regulatory R-loops as facilitators of gene expression and genome stability. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol, 21:167–178 (*indicates joint contribution) Link

Pérez-Martínez L, Öztürk M, Butter F# and Luke B# (2020) Npl3 stabilizes R-loops at telomeres to prevent accelerated replicative senescence. EMBO Rep, 21:e49087 (#indicates joint correspondance) Link

Vydzhak O, Luke B and Schindler N (2020) Non-coding RNAs at the eukaryotic rDNA locus: RNA-DNA hybrids and beyond. J Mol Biol, 432:4287–4304 Link

Vydzhak O*, Bender K*, Klermund J, Busch A, Reimann S and Luke B (2020) Checkpoint adaptation in recombination-deficient cells drives aneuploidy and resistance to genotoxic agents. DNA Repair, 95:102939 (*indicates joint contribution) Link


Jolivet P, Serhal K, Graf M, Eberhard S, Xu Z, Luke B and Teixeira MT (2019) A subtelomeric region affects telomerase-negative replicative senescence in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Sci Rep, 9:1845 Link

Kellner V# and Luke B# (2019) Molecular and physiological consequences of faulty eukaryotic ribonucleotide excision repairEMBO J, 39:e102309 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link

Lockhart A, Pires VB, Bento F, Kellner V, Luke-Glaser S, Yakoub G, Ulrich HD and Luke B (2019) RNase H1 and H2 are differentially regulated to process RNA-DNA hybrids. Cell Rep, 29:2890–2900.e5 Link

Schmidt TT, Sharma S, Reyes GX, Kolodziejczak A, Wagner T, Luke B, Hofer A, Chabes A and Hombauer H (2019) Inactivation of folylpolyglutamate synthetase Met7 results in genome instability driven by an increased dUTP/dTTP ratio. Nucleic Acids Res, 48:264–277 Link


Luke B (2018) Telomere regulation. Differentiation, 102:27–29 (guest editor of the issue) Link

Michelini F, Jalihal AP, Francia S, Meers C, Neeb ZT, Rossiello F, Gioia U, Aguado J, Jones-Weinert C, Luke B, Biamonti G, Nowacki M, Storici F, Carninci P, Walter NG and d’Adda di Fagagna F (2018) From “cellular” RNA to “smart” RNA: Multiple roles of RNA in genome stability and beyond. Chem Rev, 118:4365–4403 Link

Misino S, Bonetti D, Luke-Glaser S and Luke B (2018) Increased TERRA levels and RNase H sensitivity are conserved hallmarks of post-senescent survivors in budding yeast. Differentiation, 100:37–45 Link


Graf M*, Bonetti D*, Lockhart A*, Serhal K, Kellner V, Maicher A, Jolivet P, Teixeira MT and Luke B (2017) Telomere length determines TERRA and R-loop regulation through the cell cycle. Cell, 170:72–85 (*indicates joint contribution) Link

Lafuente-Barquero J, Luke-Glaser S, Graf M, Silva S, Gómez-González B, Lockhart A, Lisby M, Aguilera A and Luke B (2017) The Smc5/6 complex regulates the yeast Mph1 helicase at RNA-DNA hybrid-mediated DNA damage. PLOS Genet, 13:e1007136 Link


Buser R*, Kellner V*, Melnik A, Wilson-Zbinden C, Schellhaas R, Kastner L, Piwko W, Dees M, Picotti P, Maric M, Labib K, Luke B# and Peter M# (2016) The replisome-coupled E3 ubiquitin ligase Rtt101Mms22 counteracts Mrc1 function to tolerate genotoxic stress. PLOS Genet, 12:e1005843 (*indicates joint authorship, #indicates joint correspondence) Link

Dieckmann AK, Babin V, Harari Y, Eils R, König R, Luke B# and Kupiec M# (2016) Role of the ESCRT complexes in telomere biology. MBio, 7:e01793-16 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link

Poos AM, Maicher A, Dieckmann AK, Oswald M, Eils R, Kupiec M, Luke B and König R (2016) Mixed integer linear programming based machine learning approach identifies regulators of telomerase in yeast. Nucleic Acids Res, 44:e93 Link

Silva S, Altmannova V, Luke-Glaser S, Henriksen P, Gallina I, Yang X, Choudhary C, Luke B, Krejci L and Lisby M (2016) Mte1 interacts with Mph1 and promotes crossover recombination and telomere maintenance. Genes Dev, 30:700–717 Link

Styles EB, Founk KJ, Zamparo LA, Sing TL, Altintas D, Ribeyre C, Ribaud V, Rougemont J, Mayhew D, Costanzo M, Usaj M, Verster AJ, Koch EN, Novarina D, Graf M, Luke B, Muzi-Falconi M, Myers CL, Mitra RD, Shore D, Brown GW, Zhang Z, Boone C and Andrews BJ (2016) Exploring quantitative yeast phenomics with single-cell analysis of DNA damage foci. Cell Syst, 3:264–277.e10 Link


Feuerhahn S, Chen L, Luke B# and Porro A# (2015) No DDRama at chromosome ends: TRF2 takes centre stage. Trends Biochem Sci, 40:275–285 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link

Rippe K# and Luke B# (2015) TERRA and the state of the telomere. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 22:853–858 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link

Stockklausner C*, Raffel S*, Klermund J, Bandapalli OR, Beier F, Brümmendorf TH, Bürger F, Sauer SW, Hoffmann GF, Lorenz H, Tagliaferri L, Nowak D, Hofmann WK, Buergermeister R, Kerber C, Rausch T, Korbel JO, Luke B#, Trumpp A# and Kulozik AE# (2015) A novel autosomal recessive TERT T1129P mutation in a dyskeratosis congenita family leads to cellular senescence and loss of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells not reversible by mTOR-inhibition. Aging, 7:911–927 (*indicates joint contribution, #indicates joint correspondence) Link


Balk B, Dees M, Bender K and Luke B (2014) The differential processing of telomeres in response to increased telomeric transcription and RNA-DNA hybrid accumulation. RNA Biol, 11:95–100 Link

Klermund J, Bender K and Luke B (2014) High nutrient levels and TORC1 activity reduce cell viability following prolonged telomere dysfunction and cell cycle arrest. Cell Rep, 9:324–335 Link

Maicher A, Lockhart A and Luke B (2014) Breaking new ground: Digging into TERRA function. Biochim Biophys Acta - Gene Regul Mech, 1839:387–394 Link


Balk B*, Maicher A*, Dees M, Klermund J, Luke-Glaser S, Bender K and Luke B (2013) Telomeric RNA-DNA hybrids affect telomere-length dynamics and senescence. Nat Struct Mol Biol, 20:1199–1205 (*indicates joint contribution) Link


Luke-Glaser S and Luke B (2012) The Mph1 helicase can promote telomere uncapping and premature senescence in budding yeast. PLOS One, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042028 Link

Luke-Glaser S, Poschke H and Luke B (2012) Getting in (and out of) the loop: Regulating higher order telomere structures. Front Oncol, 2:180 Link

Maicher A, Kastner L, Dees M and Luke B (2012) Deregulated telomere transcription causes replication-dependent telomere shortening and promotes cellular senescence. Nucleic Acids Res, 40:6649–6659 Link

Maicher A*, Kastner L* and Luke B (2012) Telomeres and disease: Enter TERRA. RNA Biol, 9:843–849 (*indicates joint contribution) Link

Poschke H*, Dees M*, Chang M, Amberkar S, Kaderali L, Rothstein R and Luke B (2012) Rif2 promotes a telomere fold-back structure through Rpd3L recruitment in budding yeast. PLOS Genet, 8:e1002960 (*indicates joint contribution) Link


Ferreira HC, Luke B, Schober H, Kalck V, Lingner J and Gasser SM (2011) The PIAS homologue Siz2 regulates perinuclear telomere position and telomerase activity in budding yeast. Nat Cell Biol, 13:867–874 Link

Iglesias N, Redon S, Pfeiffer V, Dees M, Lingner J# and Luke B# (2011) Subtelomeric repetitive elements determine TERRA regulation by Rap1/Rif and Rap1/Sir complexes in yeast. EMBO Rep, 12:587–593 (#indicates joint correspondence) Link


Luke-Glaser S, Luke B, Grossi S and Constantinou A (2010) FANCM regulates DNA chain elongation and is stabilized by S-phase checkpoint signalling. EMBO J, 29:795–805 Link


Chang M, Luke B, Kraft C, Li Z, Peter M, Lingner J and Rothstein R (2009) Telomerase is essential to alleviate Pif1-induced replication stress at telomeres. Genetics, 183:779–791 Link

Deplazes A, Möckli N, Luke B, Auerbach D and Peter M (2009) Yeast Uri1p promotes translation initiation and may provide a link to cotranslational quality control. EMBO J, 28:1429–1441 Link

Luke B and Lingner J (2009) TERRA: Telomeric repeat-containing RNA. EMBO J, 28:2503–2510 Link