Bioinformatics Core Facility


The Bioinformatics Core Facility (BCF) supports researchers with computing infrastructure, web services, software training, experimental design, biostatistics and data analysis. We help you with the computational processing, visualisation, interpretation and publication of high-throughput data generated in the course of your research projects. With nine bioinformaticians and a biostatistician in our team and state-of-the-art high-performance computing (HPC) resources, our facility is ready to provide comprehensive support for your next-generation sequencing (NGS) experiments, biostatistical analysis, and much more.

List of Services 

We offer different levels of assistance depending on your project needs, ranging from basic bioinformatics and biostatistics services to full-scale scientific collaborations. We provide customised solutions and long-term analytical support for data-intensive projects that require expert handling for optimal results.

Full Services:

  • data quality assessment, processing, analysis, visualisation and interpretation
  • development of NGS pipelines and customising them for individual projects
  • mining of various omics datasets and correlation and integration of results
  • development of novel software tools and methods for specific analysis tasks
  • statistical analysis of complex data like microscopy images and development of tailored models

Assisted Services:

  • individual user consulting on bioinformatics and biostatistics topics
  • assistance with preparing manuscripts, presentations and grant proposals
  • testing, implementing and customising computational tools and resources
  • management and submission of omics data to public repositories like GEO and SRA

Self Services:

  • access to state-of-the-art high-performance computing (HPC) resources
  • maintaining a collection of software tools and pipelines for HPC users
  • providing user-friendly interfaces for data analysis (e.g. RStudio, Shiny Apps, JupyterHub)

Support Services:

  • user training via lectures and workshops to facilitate data analysis and interpretation
  • assistance with planning and good experimental design of omics projects
  • supporting computational biologists and data analysts in research groups
  • consulting on practical mathematical and statistical topics

To use our services, please schedule an initial user meeting to discuss the details of your project and our user guidelines. 

Key instruments

BCF services operate on a Linux compute cluster, which is used for analysing omics data, running machine-learning applications and hosting software services like RStudio, Shiny Apps and JupyterHub deployed as virtual machines or containers. HPC users can install their own software and access common bioinformatics tools and resources maintained by us. 

Our HPC cluster has a dedicated system administrator and consists of:

  • 6 compute nodes with 368 CPU cores (736 threads) and 9 TB RAM 
  • 12 GPU cards (including 4 NVIDIA-L40) for running AI applications like AlphaFold
  • high-performance fileserver from NetApp with 710 TB net storage capacity

Further details and usage instructions are available on our Intranet