The 2024 IPP and ISS calls are now open!
Click here to apply to our International PhD Programme or International Summer School! [more]
Roopesh Anand joins IMB as a Group Leader
Roopesh studies the mechanisms underlying homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks, which are often impaired in cancer and accelerated ageing. [more]
Registration is now OPEN!
Register now for the Annual Meeting of the German Association for Aging Research on 27-28 June! [more]
Julian König joins the prestigious Heisenberg Programme
Julian studies posttranscriptional gene regulation and how this is disrupted in disease and ageing. [more]
Katharina Papsdorf joins IMB as a Group Leader
Katharina's lab looks at how lipids drive cellular changes that affect ageing and longevity. [more]
Scientists create a molecular toolbox for cracking protein postcodes
Check out the Ulrich lab's new Molecular Cell paper here [more]
Dorothee Dormann awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant
Congratulations to Dorothee! [more]
Stamatis Papathanasiou awarded the Rising Star Award
Congratulations to Stamatis! [more]
Scientists discover a new stress response pathway for repairing RNA-protein crosslinks caused by toxic aldehydes
Check out the Beli lab's new Molecular Cell paper here [more]
DFG renews funding for the Research Training Group GenEvo at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
For more information click here [more]
Sina Wittmann joins IMB as a Group Leader
Meet our newest group leader [more]
How male mosquitoes compensate for having only one X chromosome
Check out the Keller Valsecchi lab's new Nature paper here [more]
Defence against the enemy within: Scientists discover a new enzyme that helps cells fight genomic parasites
Check out the Ketting lab's new Nature paper here [more]
The IPP Winter call is now OPEN!
To apply and for more information click here! [more]
IMB researchers identify a key splicing factor for splicing long introns
Check out the König and Luck labs' new Molecular Cell paper here [more]