Course | Professional Skills Course

Think before you write

Trainer: Andrew Moore


Trainer: Andrew Moore

Date & time: 6 + 7 March 2024, 9:00-15:00

Venue: tentative: onsite

Target group: advanced PhD students and postdocs


  • Find out about the most important rule of communication (any communication).
  • Learn about how readers find and read your work, so that you can write better for your intended audience.
  • Get some interesting insights into cognitive psychology that are highly relevant for writing good scientific English.
  • Learn how to structure your writing for maximum effect.
  • Submit a short piece of writing, and benefit from group feedback and editorial input in real time.
  • Find out how editorial works, how to avoid common pitfalls (typical reasons for rejection), and how to react to rejection letters.
  • Understand the journal world better, and improve your ability to choose an appropriate journal in which to publish (and to avoid "predatory" journals!).

Please register by 5 February 2024

To receive information on course fees for external* participants, please email

Trainer: Andrew Moore

Date: 06 Mar - 07 Mar 2024
Location: IMB
Registration: 28 Jan 2024
Contact: training(at)