Exposure to aircraft noise exacerbates cardiovascular and oxidative damage in three mouse models of diabetes.

AuthorsMihalikova D, Stamm P, Kvandova M, Pednekar C, Strohm L, Ubbens H, Oelze M, Kuntic M, Witzler C, Bayo Jimenez MT, Rajlic S, Frenis K, Tang Q, Ruan Y, Karbach S, Kleinert H, Hahad O, von Kriegsheim A, Xia N, Grune T, Li H, Kröller-Schön S, Gericke A, Ruf W, Wild PS, Lurz P, Münzel T, Daiber A and Jansen T
Group Leader Wild
JournalEur J Prev Cardiol
Citation page numbers
DateOct 2024
Publication URL