R-loops, a bookmark for gene expression
Research from the Niehrs' group unveils how R-loops are read to control gene activity [more]
IMB is recruiting Group Leaders
IMB is looking for for Research Group Leaders, both wet lab & computational biology. Click here for more. [more]
Dealing with new neighbours: Keeping genes active after transposon insertion
New research from the Butter group in Science describes how DNA methylation can activate genes [more]
The DFG approves a Collaborative Research Centre on DNA Repair and Genome Stability
The cordinated programme is lead by Helle Ulrich from IMB. For more information click here [more]
IMB's Natalia Soshnikova accepted into the DFG’s Heisenberg Programme
As part of the Heisenberg Programme Natalia will continue her research on gut development [more]
When it’s just right: Keeping the balance in protein aggregation
The Ketting lab have published a paper in Developmental Cell describing the controlled aggregation of proteins in Zebrafish embryos. [more]
106 Million Euros for excellent research
The Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation and the State of the Rhineland-Palatinate will continue core funding the Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB) [more]
Christof Niehrs awarded ERC Advanced Grant
Prestigious ERC Advanced Grant awarded to IMB Director Christof Niehrs [more]
IMB welcomes Humboldt Professor
Prof. Peter Baumann joins IMB as an Adjunct Director. Click here for more. [more]